Governing Bodies
Statutory Bodies (5)
College Committee
The College Committee constituted of the five members from the Management including the President and the College Secretary, a University nominee, two senior Faculty members, a non-teaching representative and the Principal, meets to discuss Administrative and Management related affairs pertaining to the College. All appointments, retirements and College related issues are discussed and decided in the College Committee, which provides input on the strategic direction to the Institution.
- to finalize all appointments made by the College based on the recommendations of the Selection Committee, internal promotions and retirements of Teaching Faculty members and Non-teaching Staff;
- to make decisions on College related requirements and subject;
- to decide on entering into Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with academic Institutions within the country and overseas; and
- to enhance and equip Students, Teaching Faculty members and Non-teaching staff with required skills.

College Committee-Members – Click Here
College Autonomous Governing Body
The Autonomous Governing Body guides the College to fulfill the objectives for which the College has been granted the Autonomous Status is constituted of the President of the Society as the Chairman, four other representatives from the Management, two senior Faculty members, an educationist, an UGC nominee, the Regional Joint Director, Chennai as the nominee from the State Government, University nominee and the Principal as the Ex-officio Member Secretary. The Governing Body institutes scholarships and prizes and approves new courses and Programmes of study on the recommendations of the Board of Studies and Academic Council. The Governing Body evaluates the activities of the College, scrutinizes the statement of expenditure and approves the annual budget of the Autonomous Grant proposed by the Institution and recommended by the Finance Committee before submitting the same to the University Grants Commission (UGC), New Delhi.
- to develop and monitor the mission, purpose, priorities and strategies of the College;
- to engage with Parents, Alumni and Stakeholders to develop the institution;
- to suggest and/ or approve of the decisions of the Finance Committee; and
- to set and update standards for evaluating its own governance.
College Autonomous Governing Body Meeting – Members – Click Here

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee consisting of the Member nominated by the Society Governing Body, Finance Officer nominated by the University, Faculty member nominated by the Principal and the Principal as the Chairperson meets to check if necessary procedures and rules have been followed in purchases made. During the meeting, the members check that expenses have budgetary provisions and proper allocation of funds under the different headings for various curricular and co-curricular activities. The Finance Committee meets to approve of the financial proposals referred to by the Principal.
- to set long-range financial goals;
- to help College develop an annual operating budget with staff;
- to approve of the budget;
- to monitor adherence of expenses to the budget; and
- to develop operating budgets that integrate strategic plans and objectives.
Finance Committee – Members – Click Here

Academic Council
The Academic Council consisting of the Principal as Chairman, Senior Faculty members, Experts in the field of Engineering, Industry and Medicine, two University nominees and One Member Secretary is responsible for the maintenance of standards of education, teaching, training, research and evaluation procedures. The Academic Council meets twice a year. Any changes or modifications carried out in the Board of Studies meetings are forwarded to the Academic Council for its approval. The meetings are held primarily to scrutinize and approve of the decisions taken by the Board of Studies with regard to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi, instructional and evaluation procedures. The Academic Council can even reject the recommendations of the Board of Studies, citing reasons to do so. Furthermore, the Academic Council recommends to the College Autonomous Governing Body, proposals for institution of new Programmes, and regulations for the same.
- to suggest and direct the programmes for the efficient functioning of the College in academic aspects;
- to review the academic and related activities for sustaining the quality of education at the College;
- to assess the need for students and faculty development programs;
- to visualize and formulate perspective plans for the development and growth of the College; and
- to promote research and extension activities in the College.
Academic Council – Members – Click Here

Board of Studies
The Board of Studies is a statutory body consisting of the Principal as the Chairperson, one University Nominee, Subject Experts, representatives from Industry and Meritorious Alumnus, and senior Faculty members to look into the structure of the existing programmes, scrutinize course syllabi, and amend academic rules and teaching standards if required. Further, the introduction of a new course, changes in the existing courses, suggesting panel of examiners and modification in the mode of assessment are also discussed in the Board of Studies Meeting. The Board of Studies meets as often as necessary, but not less than twice during an academic year.
- to review or amend the academic rules and teaching standards;
- to examine the structure of the existing programmes, course syllabi; and
- to introduce new courses and modify evaluation standards.

Board of Studies – Members – Click Here
Non - Statutory Bodies (22)
- 01 Planning & Evaluation Committee
- 02 IQAC Committee
- 03 Code of Conduct Monitoring Committee
- 04 Staff Council
- 05 Admission Committee
- 06 Examination-Committee
- Remedial Cell
- 07 Purchase & Maintenance Committee
- 08 Research Committee
- 09 Library Advisory Committee
- 10 Student Welfare Committee
- Student Scholarship Assistance
- 11 Grievance & Redressal Committee
- 12 Anti - Ragging Committee
- 13 Anti - Sexual Harrassment Committee (POCSO)
- POSH Internal Compliance Committee (POSH)
- 14 Environmental Sustainability Monitoring Committee
- 15 Standing Condemnation Committee
- 16 Celebration Committee
- 17 Community Extension & Outreach Committee
- 18 NKT College Stakeholder Committee
- 19 Stakeholder Feedback Analysis Committee
- 20 SC/ST Welfare Committee
- 21 Kamala Nehru Women’s Hostel Committee
- 22 NKT Student Union
Planning and Evaluation Committee
The Planning and Evaluation Committee consisting of the Principal, four Teaching Faculty members and two Non-teaching Staff meets to envision and develop prospective plans for the development and growth of the Institution. The Committee takes up the responsibility to plan for resource mobilization through projects and support from NGO’s and industries, promote teaching innovations, research activities and extension activities in the Institution. The Planning and Evaluation Committee works towards quality enhancement and standards of education in the College.
- to review the academic and related activities of the College;
- to review the students and faculty development programmes;
- to visualize and formulate perspective plans for the development and growth of the College;
- to design the plan of action for campus infrastructure development and initiation of prospective plan;
- to promote research and extension activities in the College campus;
- to promote student placement programmes; and
- to strive towards academic excellence related to teaching, research and student performance.

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)
The IQAC is a nodal agency of the Institution for quality-related activities consisting of the Principal, two Non-teaching Staff, seven Teaching Faculty members, College Secretary as Management Member, two nominees from Local Society, two nominees from Students, two nominees from Alumni, two nominees from Stake Holders and IQAC Member Co-ordinator. The IQAC meets every quarter and ensures quality enhancement, enhancing the level of clarity and focus, in Institutional functioning. The IQAC, in its meetings, reviews the academic and research programmes for respective quarter, and suggestions are given by the members and feedback, if any is implemented and the plan of action for the next three months is laid out. The IQAC ensures timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial activities. The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) is prepared at the end of each academic year. The IQAC meetings act as a scanner through which all academic and research activities are scrutinized for quality checks.
- to act as a change agent in the Institution;
- to create a learner-centric environment conducive for quality education;
- to systematize feedback mechanism from students, parents and stakeholders;
- to coordinate and improve internal communication to facilitate implementation and quality assurance towards its stakeholders;
- to develop, apply and monitor quality benchmarks and parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the College;
- to organize inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on related themes; and
- to document various programmes and activities of the College, leading to quality improvement.

Code of Conduct Monitoring Committee
The Code of Conduct Monitoring Committee was instituted for monitoring the practice of Code of Conduct, drafted and enacted for maintaining discipline and decorum in the Institution. The Institution has Code of Conduct for Faculty members, Non-teaching Staff and Students and it directs them towards conduct of oneself and with others. The Committee consists of 10 members including a Non-Teaching Staff and they organise Orientation Programmes for disseminating information on Code of Conduct to be followed by them.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To monitor adherence to the code of conduct by Faculty members, Non-Teaching Staff and Students;
- To apprise Faculty Members on the Code of Conduct during Teacher Orientation Programme on Annual Pedagogical Plan;
- To acquaint Non-Teaching Staff on the Code of Conduct during Non-Teaching Staff Annual Orientation Programme;
- To familiarize Students on the Code of Conduct during the Student Induction and Orientation Programmes; and
- To address issues, if any, for maintaining the demureness, protocol and convention of the Institution.

Admission Committee
The Principal with nine Faculty members constitute the Admission Committee to ensure transparency on matters relating to admission procedures as per the directions of Government of Tamil Nadu and Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University. Meetings are held to approve the Admission Application Forms, scrutinize the certificates of candidates admitted through Single Window System and candidates applied and selected under Management Quota for B.Ed., B.Ed. Special Education (Visually Impairment) Programmes, and candidates applied for M.Ed. and M.Phil. Programmes.
- to check Admission Application Forms for clarity and completeness;
- to scrutinize applications received from students; and
- to finalize admissions made in accordance to the norms and regulations of the Government of Tamil Nadu and Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the College.

Examination Committee
The Examination Committee consisting of the Principal, being the Chief Controller of Examinations, Controller of Examinations and three senior Faculty members holds meeting to plan guidelines for the smooth conduct of the examinations, systematically plan the allocation of duties, setting up appropriate Committees for scrutinizing question papers, scheduling of examinations, mode of maintenance of records and publishing of results.
- to decide on the panel of examiners;
- to scrutinize question papers and audit the evaluated answer sheets;
- to plan and execute the smooth conduct of End Semester theory and practical examinations;
- to finalize the results of examinations held; and
- to decide on the budgetary allocation towards the conduct of examinations.

Purchase & Maintenance Committee
The Purchase & Maintenance Committee consists of the Principal and eleven Faculty members. Meetings are conducted periodically to identify and monitor the requirements for all academic and administrative purposes. The members check on the need and credibility of the quotations received and finalizes the requirement, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the College. Further the Committee scrutinizes the final purchases that have been recommended for purchase in the earlier meetings by the Committee.
- to procure items and materials of good quality;
- to work on cost effectiveness of materials to be procured;
- to adhere to the prescribed procurement procedures; and
- to record the decisions made by the Committee.

Research Committee Meeting
The College has Research and Development Centre and conducts Research Committee Meetings regularly. The Research Committee is a five-member team consisting of Chairperson, two research experts, a member co-ordinator and a teaching faculty member. The Research Committee oversees the Innovation Eco System and conducts Research Colloquiums for the benefit of faculty members and research scholars, thereby promoting research in order to upgrade and facilitate the teaching-learning process. It helps in strengthening the research skills for identification of new ideas and concepts leading to innovative research. The Committee arranges for workshops and seminars for deliberation of research ideas and recommendations.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To promote innovative and socially responsible research culture in the College;
- To encourage research activities leading to new findings and recommendations;
- To enhance the quality of Education through conduct of continuous research;
- To motivate faculty members and research scholars to conduct research and scholarly activities like presenting and publishing of their research findings;
- To provide adequate infrastructural and instructional support for conduct of research;
- To arrange for seed money from the Institution in order to enhance their research;
- To monitor the functioning of Research and Development Centre, Innovation Eco System and conduct of Research Colloquiums;
- To follow the research works of faculty members and students; and
- To conduct Student and Faculty Development Programmes, seminars and workshops.
Library Advisory Committee
The Principal, Librarian, nine Faculty members and three student representatives from the B.Ed., M.Ed. Programmes and from the Kamala Nehru Women’s Hostel constitute the Library Advisory Committee to make recommendations concerning the requirements of the library. It includes policy matters, collections, services, and facilities provided by the library. Budgetary allocations, recommendations for new books, journals and magazines for the library are discussed in the meeting. The meetings are held twice a year.
- to appraise students of general directions to the use of the Library;
- to review the performance of the library with respect to having reading resources for the academic programmes of the College;
- to develop action plan for the library infrastructure facilities, products and services;
- to monitor and evaluate the recent trends and developments in the library functioning;
- to provide need-based information services; and
- to design procurement procedures and allocation of budget accordingly.

Student Welfare Committee
The Principal along with all Teaching Faculty members constitute the Student Welfare Committee, to address all students. The Student Welfare Committee Meetings serve to create a positive bonding between the students and the Institution by addressing the personal, academic and social concerns of the students. The Principal and Faculty members meet and interact with students from time to time, to seek their views and concerns, and develop confidence and trust in them concerning the College and its functioning.
- to develop overall welfare plans for student well-being;
- to conduct remedial coaching classes for needy students;
- to organize special lectures and workshops on life skills, personality development, writing assignments and making oral presentations;
- to guide the SC/ ST/ OBC/ PWD students to properly utilize the benefits of the schemes offered by the State Government and Government of India; and
- to sensitize students on smooth functioning of the College.

Grievance and Redressal Committee
Grievance and Redressal Committee is consists of the Principal, eight Teaching Faculty Members and three student representatives from the B.Ed., M.Ed. Programmes and from the Kamala Nehru Students’ Hostel. Grievance and Redressal Committee Meetings are held periodically and also when the need arises. During the meeting, the grievances put forth by the students, faculty members and non-teaching staff are addressed, and the appropriate action plans are arrived at. Grievances can either be conveyed in person to the Principal or letters be dropped in the Grievance Boxes placed at the Unit of the Controller of Examinations, College Block and Kamala Nehru Women’s Hostel. The grievances are reviewed, their causes are probed into, and redressal measures are arrived at.
- to uphold the dignity of the College by ensuring congenial atmosphere;
- to promote cordial Student-Student relationship and Student-Teacher relationship;
- to encourage the students to express their grievances or requirements without any inhibition;
- to ensure that students respect the right and dignity of one another;
- to prohibit Ragging in any form;
- to come up with appropriate Grievance-Redressal Mechanisms and plan of action; and
- to review earlier redressal activities.

Anti-Ragging Committee
The Anti-Ragging Committee consisting of the Principal, eleven Faculty members and three student representatives from the B.Ed., M.Ed. Programmes and from the Kamala Nehru Students’ Hostel, conducts meetings to discuss any ragging related issues in the Institution or at the Hostel and to consider and act on the complaints received from the students, if any. The meetings discuss the measures to sensitize students against ragging and the need to deter from any such incident.
- to inculcate human values among students;
- to keep a continuous watch and vigil over students to prevent the occurrence of ragging;
- to promptly deal with the incidents of ragging brought to the notice of the Head of the Institution who takes the ultimate responsibility of no ragging ion the College;
- to provide students the information pertaining to contact address, telephone numbers and email id of the immediate persons to receive their complaints;
- to create awareness among the students about Anti-ragging; and
- to take all necessary measures for prevention of ragging inside the Campus,

Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee Meeting
The College has an Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee for providing a healthy and congenial atmosphere to all in the premises, wherein students, faculty members and non-teaching staff can work together in an environment free of discrimination, gender violence and sexual harassment.The Committee intends to take appropriate disciplinary measures in the caseof violations and provides procedures for lodging complaints about malicious conduct. It consists of Principal of the College as the Chairperson, a Presiding Officer, Faculty members, two Non-teaching Staff members, three students and a member from a non-governmental organization or association.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To evolve a mechanism for the prevention and redressal of sexual harassment cases and other acts of gender-based violence in the College;
- To create a secure physical and social environment, which will deter acts of sexual harassment;
- To promote a psychological environment that will raise awareness about sexual harassment in its various forms;
- To ensure the implementation of the Policy in letter and spirit through proper reporting of the complaints and their follow-up procedures;
- To promote awareness about the issue of gender equality among faculty members, students and other employees of the Institution;
- To deal with cases of sexual harassment in a timely manner by providing empathetic support to the victim and ensuring prevention of harassment through proper redressal of the case;
- To organize awareness programmes and campaigns for the benefit of all members of the College on sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination; and
- To ensure safe environment for all in the Institution.
Environmental Sustainability Monitoring Committee Meeting
The Environmental Sustainability Monitoring Committee responsible for monitoring and managing energy consumption, water conservation and waste management is a governance body that is constituted of a working group that consists of 16 members which includes Faculty Members, Student Members, Administrative Staff Members and Technical Support Members.It emphasizes clean and safe environment, good health and opportunities for personal growth.
The members of the Environmental Sustainability Monitoring Committee will meet periodically and report to the Advisory Board, made up of the College Secretary, Principal and the IQAC Co-ordinator to develop, implement, and maintain plans for environmental sustainability.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To create awareness about Environmental Sustainability among all stakeholders;
- To educate all stakeholders on Environmental Concerns;
- To include Environmental Concerns in planning and decision making;
- To maintain and enhance the green cover of the Institution;
- To maximize energy and water use efficiency and realistically and comprehensively reduce consumption of energy and water;
- To promote investment in and maintenance of efficient energy and water management technologies in existing infrastructure and future development plans;
- To create awareness regarding reuse, recycling, conservation and proper waste disposal;
- To take up initiatives and practices that promote sustainability on campus;
- To provide training to stakeholders in order to increase and encourage energy and water use efficiency and waste minimization,reuse and recycling, conservation and proper waste disposal;
- To organise activities, events, workshops and seminars to create awareness; and
- To uphold the cleanliness of the premises for Environmental Sustainability.
Standing Condemnation Committee
The Standing Condemnation Committee consisting of the Principal, five Teaching Faculty Members and two Non-teaching Staff meets to check on the articles / books / furniture and it makes assessment on the goods need to be condemned or disposed off by ensuring adherence to the rules for condemnation.
- to identify and categorize the items to be disposed off as obsolete, unserviceable or scrap;
- to inspect the items to be condemned;
- to seek approval of the recommendations of the Standing Condemnation Committee from appropriate bodies or authorities;
- to evaluate the quotations given by the vendors;
- to dispose the items as per the directions of the Standing Condemnation Committee.; and
- to decide the mode of disposal of condemned items adhering to the Institutional Policy Guidelines for Condemnation and Disposal of Electrical and Electronic Equipments and Furniture.
Celebration Committee Meeting
Celebrations are a part of our culture and tradition and the College celebrates every festival, every occasion and days of national and international importance with great fervour and enthusiasm. The spirit of celebration connotes a feeling of oneness, togetherness and happiness in the minds and hearts of everyone. The Celebration Committee plans and organises programmes, thereby instilling happiness and inculcating values in everyone.
The Committee comprises of Principal as the Chairman, faculty members, non-teaching staff and student representatives.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To bring unity among students and promote team work;
- To understand the integral part of festivals and cultural festivities;
- To accept and appreciate the differences and similarities among various culture and traditions of Districts and States of the Indian subcontinent;
- To respect other religions promoting equality and oneness;
- To unify all students spreading positivity and exuberance;
- To recognize competitive spirit and develop sportsmanship among students; and
- To break the monotony of study, work and life.
Community Extension and Outreach Committee Meeting
The College has a Community and Outreach Committee to strengthen the connection of the Institution to the key cultural, educational, social, economic and civic institutions through collaborations in the form of outreach initiatives and joint projects involving staff, students and the community.
The Committee consists of Principal as the Chairperson, a Co-ordinator appointed by the Principal, four Faculty members, one Administrative Staff, two Student Alumni and Parent Representatives and a minimum of one co-opted member from the community.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To develop and advance community partnerships for the benefit of the community;
- To foster community relationship and maximize resource mobilization and utilization by actively partnering with community organizations in planning joint events, such as festivals , workshops, training seminars and programmes of interest to the community;
- To enhance content, innovations, and technologies developed by College and other stakeholders in order to improve community productivity;
- To collaborate with local and international stakeholders in promoting mutual community outreach programmes; and
- To utilize all media platforms to make the College community outreach programmes accessible to the society.
NKT College Stakeholder Committee Meeting
The College Stakeholder Committee is responsible for receiving the feedback of stakeholders on curricular aspects, teaching performance of faculty members, internship activities and concerns, infrastructural and instructional resources, academic and outreach activities, library usage and support facilities, hostel facilities and examination system. It receives feedback at appropriate time from stakeholders through online mode and in person.
The Committee consists of Secretary of the College, Principal of the College, faculty representatives, representatives from Student Union, Parent Teacher Association, College Alumni, Teaching Internship School, Employer representative and Administrative Staff representatives.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To receive feedback from stakeholders for updating curriculum and activities;
- To upgrade the methodologies and approaches for teaching-learning process;
- To enhance the infrastructural and instructional resources of the Institution;
- To identify outreach activities for the benefit of all stakeholders; and
- To plan for continual improvement and development of all stakeholders.
Stakeholder Feedback Analysis Committee Meeting
The Stakeholder Feedback Analysis Committee is an imperative committee, which functions for the development of students and progress of the Institution. It receives feedback from stakeholders and analyses them for continual improvement of academic and administrative facilities available in the campus, thereby fostering holistic growth of students to be a good fit in the society and profession. At the end of each semester and at the exit point, feedback is received, analysed and consolidated for presentation and discussion at meetings of appropriate bodies for chalking out plans to be implemented for enhanced institutional performance. Feedback obtained periodically from various stakeholders help alleviate the academic concerns and motivate students and faculty to improve their performance.
The Stakeholder Feedback Analysis comprises of the Principal as the Chairperson, senior faculty members and the IQAC Coordinator.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To maximize the potential at different stages of learning;
- To identify strengths of the Institution and areas for improvement;
- To identify actions to be taken for improved performance;
- To understand the need and expectations of students and of the society from the Institution; and
- To utilize the analyses of the feedback from stakeholders for continual improvement of academic and administrative facilities.
SC/ ST Welfare Committee Meeting
The SC/ ST Committee endeavours to promote the well-being of students in the reserved category, who hail from socially, economically and educationally backward remote areas. It is an initiative by the College to empower them in all arcs of sustainable living, thereby providing inputs in areas where the students experience difficulties and opportunities for the welfare of the deprived. The Committee ventures to attend to the personal, social and academic concerns and issues. It endeavours to mobilise fund for students from these communities from government and non-governmental agencies.
The Committee consists of Secretary of the College, Principal of the College, faculty representatives, Administrative Staff representatives and a faculty from a College of Education.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To provide equal opportunities to students and faculty members in various academic, academic related and outreach activities of the College;
- To ensure admission of students under the reserved category;
- To seek, apply and obtain SC/ ST Scholarship for the benefit of students;
- To ensure SC/ ST representation in various decision making committees of the College;
- To monitor and ensure that the SC/ ST students are free from community discrimination in the College and at the hostel;
- To provide prompt counselling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event at the campus; and
- To create awareness regarding various aspects of education and employment opportunities.
Kamala Nehru Women’s Hostel Committee
The Kamala Nehru Women’s Hostel is a haven for students staying far away from their home. The Hostel Committee consists of the Principal as the Warden, Faculty member as the Deputy Warden, Day and Night In-charges, Head of the Catering Section, Maintenance Staff and Student representatives. Meetings are held with all hostel residents regularly and also when need arises such as functioning of the mess, cleanliness of rooms, water and electricity facilities and any other issues. The Warden and Deputy Warden care for the welfare of the students.
- To provide clean, safe and comfortable accommodation to the hostel students;
- To monitor quality of food provided to the hostel students to keep them healthy;
- To maintain conducive atmosphere for study and interchange of thoughts and ideas;
- To ensure security of students who are residing in the hostel; and
- To help them to live together with mutual co-operation.

NKT Student Union
The NKT Student Union is a student-led organisation representing the students in the College. It is the heart of campus life, which provides facilities, services and support for self-discovery and self-revelation. NKT Student Union brings students together to connect, collaborate and learn. It addresses a wide range of issues from student benefits to social issues and from curriculum to the menus of NKT Cafeteria. By blending the social and academic aspects of College life, the NKT Student Union helps students to identify and realize priorities and discover how they can effectively get involved with their Institution and community.
NKT Student Union is constituted with seventeen posts, namely President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, Sports Secretary, Assistant Sports Secretary, Cultural Secretary, Assistant Cultural Secretary, Law and Order Secretary, Assistant Law and Order Secretary, Discipline and Cleanliness Secretary, Assistant Discipline and Cleanliness Secretary, Campus Maintenance Secretary, Assistant Campus Maintenance Secretary, Library Secretary and Assistant Library Secretary.
Objectives of the Committee:
- To bring unity among the students and safeguard their rights;
- To promote discipline, sense of responsibility, integrity and fraternity among the students, nurturing academic, scientific, cultural and social interest;
- To help and facilitate the education of the needy and poor students, specially from the disadvantaged sections of the society;
- To foster healthy and cordial relationship with the teaching and non-teaching staff members of the College;
- To work in favour of upholding the principles of Democracy, Secularism, Patriotism and National Integrity; and
- To encourage participation in fight against superstitions, obscurantism, communalism, secessionism and all sorts of social evils.