Members of Sriman N.K. Thirumalachariar National Education Society
Our Management in order of hierarchy- the President, Secretary, Joint Secretary and the other members of Sriman N.K. Thirumalachariar National Education Society. The Management adopts a Contingency Leadership Approach to realize its Vision of transforming students to Global Educators by imparting excellence in Teacher Education and providing Competency Based Education. It is a planning and policy making body which meets periodically to plan and implement policies relating to admissions, academic programmes, student welfare, infrastructure development and recruitment of staff. The Committee also reviews and evaluates the academic and administrative progress of the College periodically to ensure leadership of the highest quality and to promote the Institutional culture of excellence.
The Statutory Bodies of the Institution, the Board of Studies, Academic Council, Finance Committee, Autonomous Governing Body and the College Commitee in liaison with the Non-statutory and Functional Bodies practices Participatory Management involving all stakeholders working towards realization of its vision to ensure leadership of the highest quality and to promote the Institutional culture of excellence.
Dr. (Tmt). Mano Bakthavatchalam
Padma Bhushan Dr. A. Sivathanu Pillai
Vice President
Dr. M. Arumugam
Mr. Mathew Thomas
Joint Secretary
Mr. R. Ramachandran
Hon. Treasurer
Dr. S. Sivasubramanian
Dr. C. Swaminathan
Dr. S. Ezhilarsi
Dr. S. Gurumurthy
Ms. G. Kalyani Sundari
Ms. Rasheeda Bhagat
Dr. V. Jayashree A.S. Pillai
Members of the College Committee
Dr. (Tmt). Mano Bakthavatchalam
Dr. M. Arumugam
Mr. Mathew Thomas
Joint Secretary
Dr. S. Sivasubramanian
Ms. G. Kalyani Sundari
Dr. M. Soundararajan
University Nominee
Dr. N. Kalai Arasi
Senior Faculty
Dr. S. Malathi
Senior Faculty
Mrs. V. Pattammal
Junior Assistant
Dr. S. Chamundeswari
Principal Ex-Officio