About Our Institution
N.K.T. National College of Education for Women is an Institute of Higher Education, affiliated to the Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, located at Triplicane, Chennai. Our College offers B.Ed., B.Ed.Spl.Edn.(VI), M.Ed., M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programmes in Education. The College is housed in an area of 3.06 acres with a model school, N.K.T. National Girls' Higher Secondary School in the same campus.
N.K.T. National College of Education was established in 1966 and granted Autonomous Status in the year 1988 by the University Grants Commission. The College was awarded a Five Star status in the First Cycle of the NAAC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) inspection in 2001. During the Second Cycle in 2011, the College earned an ‘A Grade’ with a CGPA of 3.26 on a 4 point scale. The College has grown over the years as an Institution of Higher Learning, and has achieved great strides in the academic ladder by constantly pursuing excellence. The College upgraded to the Postgraduate Level in the year 1980 and bloomed into a vibrant Research Institution in the year 1983. The strength of the Institution is Research around which the College revolves. The Autonomous Status of the College opens up a great scope for upgrading curricula of all Academic Programmes to be on par with the global standards.
In line with the Vision and Mission of the Institution to act as catalyst in providing academic and research excellence in Teacher Education and School Education under the inclusive setup, the College stands committed to empower women teachers -to-be, with the prudence and grit to face multifarious challenges at both the personal and professional levels. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) monitors and scans every academic programme taking place in the College to ensure perfection and achieve excellence in the tasks undertaken.
To this end, we renew our commitment to maintain Quality in Teacher Education, and vouch to participate in Nation building, thereby ensuring social change for the better and contributing the best to the teaching fraternity at large.
History of NKT
N.K.T. National College of Education for Women is situated at the heart of Chennai city in Triplicane. The College built in an area of 3.06 acres, where a model school is also housed. Established in the year 1966 by Shri N.K. Thirumalachariar, a Visionary and a Philanthropist, has evolved into a well-established College committed to its mission of empowering young women student-teachers to face life and its multifarious challenges at both personal and professional levels.

The College offers Graduate, Postgraduate and Research Programmes in Education in Education with Autonomous status awarded by the University Grants Commission in the year 1988. In its thirty-three years of Autonomy, the College has grown to great heights as an Institution of higher learning in Education. Today, N.K.T. National College of Education for Women has close to 600 students, enrolled in B.Ed., B.Ed. Special Education (Visual Impairment), M.Ed., M.Phil. and Ph.D. Programmes in Education and has acquired a reputation for excellence, inclusiveness and committed service to the teaching community. In its continuous striving for excellence over five decades, the Institution has rightly achieved the position of ‘Second to None’.
N.K.T. National College of Education for Women was awarded a Five-Star Status in the First Cycle and re-accredited with ‘A Grade’ with a CGPA of 3.26 on a 4-point scale, in the Second Cycle. The College is being governed by the Philanthropic Management, Sriman N.K. Thirumalachariar National Education Society, headed by Dr. S. Mano Bakthavatchalam, President, and Dr. M. Arumugam, Secretary and other eminent Committee Members. The College is headed by the Principal, Dr. S. Chamundeswari with 42 Teaching Faculty members and 27 Non-Teaching Staff. Dr. N. Kalai Arasi is the Controller of Examinations, Dr. S. Malathi, is the Co-Ordinator of the Internal Quality Assurance Cell and Dr. V. Jayashree Priyadharsini is the Dean of Academics.